Business and Science

Condominium Reserves and Florida Legislative Round Table With Senators Pizzo and Bradley, February 2025

I do not live in an ocean-front high-rise condominium where safety is the primary concern. Our owners will not have their sleep interrupted by their-three-story condominiums collapsing on them in the middle of the night. We do not have the engineering problems inherent in dozen-floor buildings and the problem of saltwater intrusion rusting the steel rebar buried in the concrete pillars, where safety is the primary concern. In our three-story condominium, safety is important, but it is secondary. Our primary concern is safeguarding the health and wealth of our owners against water damage and mold. […]

Why I Joined Rotary
Business and Science

History and Philosophy of Rotary International, and My Personal Experience

Early in its history, the Rotary Clubs adopted the Four Way Test. The Rotary website states that “the Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships.
Of the things we think, say, or do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?” […]

Is AI Merely Artificially Intelligent? Comparing AI ChatGPT and Bard to Wikipedia
Business and Science

Is Artificial Intelligence More Artificial Than Intelligent? Is Wikipedia Better Than AI Chatbots?

What is artificial intelligence? The original definition by Alan Turing is that a program is deemed artificially intelligent if the user conversing by keyboard is convinced that a live human being is responding. But keep in mind that artificially intelligent computer programs have zero comprehension. Although they can do quite well on intelligence tests, answering questions instantaneously, they are incapable of original thought. However, they excel at pattern matching, and the latest AI programs can replicate text from existing text samples. The program does not comprehend the meaning of these text samples, which means it has trouble evaluating their credibility. Thus, the generated output is often what programmers call GIGO: garbage-in, garbage-out. […]

Is AI Merely Artificially Intelligent? Comparing AI ChatGPT and Bard to Wikipedia
Business and Science

APPENDIX: Artificial Intelligence, Comparing ChatGPT vs Bard, With and Without Footnotes and Sources

What is artificial intelligence? The original definition by Alan Turing is that a program is deemed artificially intelligent if the user conversing by keyboard is convinced that a live human being is responding. But keep in mind that artificially intelligent computer programs have zero comprehension. Although they can do quite well on intelligence tests, answering questions instantaneously, they are incapable of original thought. However, they excel at pattern matching, and the latest AI programs can replicate text from existing text samples. The program does not comprehend the meaning of these text samples, which means it has trouble evaluating their credibility. Thus, the generated output is often what programmers call GIGO: garbage-in, garbage-out.