Civil Rights

Was WEB Du Bois a Communist? The Later Years of WEB Du Bois

Was WEB Du Bois a communist? The answer is YES: When he turned 93, he joined and paid his dues to the CPUSA, Communist Party. Most people are born in the first chapters of their autobiography; but no, WEB Du Bois, being ever the contrarian, chooses to extol the virtues of communism in the opening chapters. Personally, I am quite angry with him, why did he do that? It is political poison for a black leader to announce he is a communist, and now I must explain it. We will reflect on his growing embrace of communism over the course of his life. […]

Civil Rights

WEB Du Bois and the NAACP, Continuing the Fight For Civil Rights

In our continuing series of blogs and videos on WEB Du Bois, we will now reflect on these questions, among others:
What role did he play in making the NAACP the leading black activist organization?
How did he increase awareness of civil rights issues among Americans?
What were the tensions between him and the NAACP?
When studying the life and career of WEB Du Bois, we can ask ourselves another key question:
Why was he such a contrarian? […]

Civil Rights

Tensions Between WEB Du Bois and Booker T Washington, Accommodation or Activism?

As WEB Du Bois, our contrarian activist leader, rose in prominence in the black civil rights movement, he came into conflict with the accommodationist Booker T Washington, founder of Tuskegee Institute. While Booker T Washington always encouraged blacks be subservient and work hard and save their pennies so that someday their lives will improve, WEB Du Bois demanded dignity, civil rights, and real economic opportunity for blacks. […]