Tamara Dawes, On Human Trafficking and Homelessness, Rotary Club of Sunrise FL Speaker
I’m just a mom that has seen families sleeping in cars, on plazas, and numerous other places with nowhere to turn. Recently, I had a brief encounter with a single mother and her sixteen-year-old son; they were on a plaza with two small black bags containing all their possession asking for money to buy food. The security guard approached and asked them to vacate the premises, because people were complaining about their presence, and she didn’t want to call the police. The kind security guard allowed me to get some personal information from this mother whom I tried to help. The desperate mother related how frustrated she was in her hopeless attempts of trying to find accommodations, as the shelters are unable to accept them because of the Covid-19 mandate that limits their capacity. I informed her that I too have made numerous calls, so I can attest to the information she shared. […]