We like to include quotes from the ancient and modern authors, to encourage you to study them on your own.
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Our projects include:
Studying the teachings of the ancient and modern stoic and moral philosophers on how to better lead a godly life.
Studying ancient and modern history to learn moral lessons and learn how we can successfully live a life of faith in trying times, including civil rights and social gospel history.
Studying issues of morality in the Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and Jewish traditions.
Everyone should join and participate in their local church. However, my internet persona is purposefully obscure so that I can be respectful of all genuine Judaeo-Christian traditions, I do not wish to be disrespectfully polemical.
Our sister YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLqDkfFbWhXOnzdjp__YZtg
Please view our Channel Philosophy, which parallels my personal philosophy: https://youtu.be/Si0TsO5bNr0